Monday, January 23, 2017

HS PARAGRAPHS - more detailed help


  • HS Placement packet
      1. Your family
         What are their names and ages?
         What are does each one like, dislike?
         What do they do? What are their jobs or hobbies?
         Write about an activity you did with a family member last summer. → preterit and imperfect
         Tell about the future plans of someone → future tense
      1. Your favorite foods
         What do you eat for breakfast? What did you eat yesterday?preterit and imperfect
         What foods do you like/dislike? Why?   
      • Write about a meal you had at a restaurant.
      • What did you order for each course and how much did it cost? → higher / cost numbers & “to order” (pedir)
      • Did you like the meal?
         Tell whether or not you would go there again and if you would recommend it to your friends.
      1. Hobbies/Past times
         Write about the things you like to do outside of school (for example: reading, listening to music, playing video games, drawing, cleaning the house, cooking)
         Who do you like to do these activities with?
         Write about what you did for fun the last time there was a rainy day or a snow day.
         What are you going to do this weekend at home?
      1. Storytelling
         Write a short story in the language you’re studying. preterit and imperfect
         Make sure your story includes characters, a setting, a problem, and a solution.
         Include details about your story elements to make your story more interesting.
         You may include verbs in the present, past, and/or future tense.
      1. Physical Descriptions and Personality Traits
         Write about two to three people.  They can be someone you know, someone famous, someone made up, or even yourself.
         Include at least three physical descriptions for each person.
         Describe their personalities, likes and dislikes, things they like to do.
         Add any information that you think is important to know about the people you’re describing.



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